Fiji Suva Mission

Fiji Suva Mission
July 2009 - December 2010

Nasinu 1st Ward

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A funny Story to Tell

Dave has been asked to help with the Young men in our ward so the Bishop asked us to go to the young men's camp at the Taito Farm one evening with him and his wife.  We were a little nervous to go to BOYS CAMP but we figured if we were going with the Bishop and his wife it would be okay.  As it always rains in Fiji they told us to wear shoes that could get wet and muddy because we had to walk in a little ways to the Taito's Farm.  Little did we know that as we looked down over the hill there was a river to cross.  The only problem was there was NO bridge.  We took a deep breath and thought oh well.  As we started down the little hill, I in my flip flops hit a patch of slick mud and before I knew what was happening I was on My Butt sliding down the hill.  I had to swallow my pride and get up and carry on with my skirt covered with mud.  We then proceeded to cross the River.  At one point I took a step and went down in the mud up to my knees.  One of the Young Men had to literally pull me out.  We were all laughing so hard!  My legs were covered with mud and my skirt was soaking wet and muddy.
Brother and Sister Taito

We laughed about it all night and into the next day.  We do believe it one of the funnest things we have done!       Loving Fiji!   Elder and Sister Seare

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